Building my Dream Home with Highland Homes

Posted: April 17, 2014 | Categories: News | The Experience of Building My Highland Home
By Highland Homes

Sold Florida New HomeHi, my name is Ken, and I will be taking you along on a journey, well my journey, into building my home with Highland Homes! There are so many builders out there, and you have to really make sure that you are building with the right home builder. I ultimately decided to build with Highland because I loved the floor plan, the lot, and the ability to do some very cost-effective upgrades to my home. The focus of these blog postings is to show you, the future homeowner, what happens during the whole process.

I actually wrote my contract to purchase back at the end of February. Since that time, I went to the Personal Selection Studio to pick all my colors, options and upgrades. I’ll talk more on the Personal Selection Studio in my next blog post. Just a day or so ago, I received my conditional loan approval from my mortgage lender. What does that mean? It means that my loan is approved, but I need to get a few documents to the lender to meet the specific guidelines for my mortgage. Each mortgage is different, and no two are alike!

So, the next step in my home buying process is to gather the documents that the lender requested and send them to the lender, the sooner the better. Highland Homes is going to order an appraisal. The purpose of an appraisal is to ensure your home is valued at the amount you are getting a loan for. Appraisals are done by a third party not affiliated with the builder or the lender, so that there is no favoritism.

Once the appraisal is received by the lender, and they review all my documents, they will issue a Cleared Conditional Approval to Highland Homes. This cleared approval is an important document the builder requires before they can start building my home!

Throughout the process of building my new home, I plan to continue writing blogs to share my experience. Check back in two weeks for an update on my progress and to learn a bit more about the experience of designing my home at Highland Homes’ Personal Selection Studio. 

Ken is a resident of Central Florida and is building his second Highland Home. He enjoys spending time with his dogs, family and friends, travelling, and enjoy Central Florida attractions and amusement parks. 

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Highland Homes is a top builder of new homes in Central Florida, Tampa Bay, Manatee County, and Ocala, Florida. More information about Highland Homes’ communities, floor plans and videos, and feedback from Highland Homes’ customers can be found on their website at www.HighlandHomes.ORG.  

Tags: Florida home Building My Dream Home dream home Florida homes Florida FL Central Florida homes central florida